Friday, January 9, 2009

The beginning

I am not a sales person.

Does that shock anyone? Most likely not! A friend and I were talking about how to prepare myself for actually hawking the wares that I make (candles). She suggested that I blog about them. Who wants to read a blog about candles? Patti (my friend) suggested that I use my opinionated self to discuss some of the controversy surrounding candles as well as getting used to sharing my creations with others in a positive light. She is a marketing whiz so I am taking her advice. There are several controversial items and I will begin to discuss those later on. Today is just an introduction of myself.

I used to talk about my love of candle making all the time. Everyone in my life would get glassy eyed and start giving me the "umm" and "yeah" and "oh I see" responses; so I pretty much quit talking about it. So perhaps from that point of view - this will be a good thing. Who knows....

I am also a computer geek. I know the two things don't go together, but there you have it. I do and love both. This is primarily a blog about my adventure in candle making, but I am sure the other stuff will sneak in every now and again. So I am thinking that is going to be an all purpose blog about Glodowg life from my point of view and all the tales along the way!