Thursday, April 9, 2009


I got my first REAL order off my website today. I am so pumped. It is for two 16oz container candles. They will be going to Michigan. Glodowg Candles in Michigan! Is that da bomb or what?

I will pouring these tonight and shipping out tomorrow.

Oh and she even paid online via paypal. That is soooooooooo COOL!

Now, maybe I will have the motivation to make my website more attractive and get some additional content on there.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

a Showing

I am doing a small show in McKinney on May 7th from 6:00 - 9:00pm. This is a Ladies Night Out at the Heard-Craig Center for the Arts. I have not had much success with craft shows; however optimism reigns.

A friend who makes purses invited me to share a booth; I am very excited! I love doing stuff with Anne. She is fun to be around and always encouraging.

This is small fundraiser event and it is billed as such; from my understanding - the ladies come to spend. So here is hoping!!! I am planning on taking lots of pillars and just a few jars. Since this is an Art Center, I am hopeful the uniqueness of my pillars will appeal to them.

I promise to get some good pictures of my product and the show to share here.

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


That is how many hours I have put into my candle business over the past 2 weeks. It is pitiful. How do I expect this business to survive/thrive if I don't put the hours in?

I have just been busy with other stuff lately; fun stuff, required stuff, family stuff, church stuff, stuff stuff. And on top of that I have been puny for the entire month of January. The few times that I have actuall felt like doing any candle creation, it has been 20 degrees and just too freakin cold to go out into the candle shop (aka garage).

I take that back. One day a couple of weeks ago I set up my light box in the driveway. It was a beautiful day and I thought I could get some good pictures. I took over 50 pics. ONLY THREE of them were even in focusp; however they were not usable. It was so frustrating!

So here is to hoping that the weather will turn around. I will find some motivation. My go will find some get up and the candle biz will have it's best year ever!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Free Candles!

I am always using my candles as gifts for friends and family. My hope is to attract customers and word of mouth advertising. It works for the most part. But lately - it has been awesome!

I participated in a Secret Santa gift exchange on a message board with other foster moms. It was fun giving a gift to someone I had never met and it was fun to see where mine came from. As usual with a group of over 100 participants, some people fell down on the job and there were people who received no gift. So.... several of us stepped up and sent out more packages. Christmas in January is awesome! Anyway, I sent my candles to 3 ladies that all live in different parts of the US. The best part is that they all LOVE them and are wanting information on ordering more. How very exciting.

Now for the big question... Do I work on my e commerce site or just have them email me? I am thinking at least get the e commerce site presentable (or not so embarrassing) and let them order that way. Perhaps if I scale it back a bit..... I'll have to go and take a look at it from fresh eyes to see what would be the easiest thing to do.

It is great to hear from strangers that they love my candles. Of course family and friends always say they do - but it means a little more from strangers.

Candle Shop NOW Open

A friend of mine recently told me that I need to schedule my 4 hours of candle business on my calendar just like I do all my appointments. I am going to give Saturday morning a try. If I am not lazy and get up like I do during the week, I can get in 4 hours before the day really gets started. So if you hear someone moaning and hitting the snooze this Saturday - that will be me wanting just a few minutes of shuteye!

Have a great day blog world!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

How this all got started

I borrowed this from my personal Blog:

Originally published on November 15, 2007

Did I ever tell you why I started making candles? If YES, then skip to next paragraph. I once knew a lady who purchased hand poured candles in south Texas. They were divine. He had this wonderful scent that I have never been able to find anywhere else. I adored it. She quit going to south Texas. I needed my fix. I have always been crafty, always felt the need to make something tangible. I have always wanted to have a side business that I could retire with, pay for the kids school, take vacations, pass on to my kids. Well the two seemed to fit. I thought "how hard could it be to make a candle?" So the adventure started.

I read and read and read some more. I had the idea down. I found a supplier in Dallas. I was ready to go. I bought everything I needed. I made some candles. I gave them for Christmas gifts to the ladies I work with. THEY WERE HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!! They smelled great, but they did not burn well and they leaked out of the cute Christmas tins I used as a container.

So skip to 4 years later, I am now ready to start marketing my product. I have my database for inventory, sales, expenses and costs all set up. I have my line completely developed. I have my show set up all worked out. I am off. Watch out world, here I come.

I was considering going the wholesale route. But I am hard pressed to give my candles away, and that is what wholesale prices feel like. I think I will do craft shows and home parties for awhile. Get my confidence up. I know my product, I am proud of my product, but I am not a sales person. Come on I am in IT, we are not people people. I have a friend who is all about the sale and all about marketing. She is going to help me (I am bribing her with lunches!). I have my website all set up minus GOOD pictures. A photographer I am not. I am going to work on the pics after the holidays. It is my goal. Here is my website, but please just know I needed something up. It will get better, it must get better, it HAS to get better.

I am kicking off my sales to the outside world with an open house this Saturday. I am sick to my stomache I am so nervous. I have sent out emails, flyers and put a notice in my HOA newsletter. I have invited everyone I know. This will be the first time that I show my candles to anyone other than friends and family. I feel like I am debuting my baby. I hate criticism, I am worried someone won't like my candles. They are not factory made, thus not perfect. I actually like the imperfections in them as they personify the HANDMADE part of the candle.

On Saturday, please say a little prayer that I won't hyper ventilate and that people will show up and buy a few candles.

Whew, I feel better just getting it all out!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bad Candlemaker

I have an order to fill. It is for 6 mulberry votives and 1 small container. I hate filling custom orders. Isn't that horrible. It is so much time to get set up and everything melted. I so much prefer making a mountain of candles. But invariably people want the one thing that I don't have poured. I also hate making votives. They are so much work for such a small product. But this customer buys quite a bit and spreads the word a lot. I just can't get motivated to pour those darn little turds. I am a bad candlemaker :(

Several years ago, I attempted to keep 1 candle of each size and scent in stock. I think I might try that again. Usually if someone wants something specific that I don't have I guide them towards a new size or a similar scent. hmmmmmm something to ponder. It does require a bit of overhead, but hey, this is retail so I am gonna have to give it up and do it!

It is so hard to build my business around what "I" want it to be and not around what other people think it should be. People are all the time telling me that I should make x candle becase Y company does. I do not want to be known as the copycat candle lady. I do however, listen to what they are saying and choose my new scents based on the type that are popular today.

These are my containers. I don't like them personally, but they sell well for me and give my products a unique look that goes well in most TEXAS homes. I do however, love my pillars. I made this one for my little sister. Last time I heard she still has not burned it. I definitely need to work on my photography skills!

My goal for this year is to find ONE true wholesale client, keep my better track of my inventory and increase my retail sales. To accomplish these goals I need to dedicate some time to my business. I have no idea when I will carve out this time, but I am going to work on it. I will dedicate 4 hours per week to working on some aspect of my candle business. Otherwise, I need to start calling it a hobby!

Wish me luck!

Friday, January 9, 2009

The beginning

I am not a sales person.

Does that shock anyone? Most likely not! A friend and I were talking about how to prepare myself for actually hawking the wares that I make (candles). She suggested that I blog about them. Who wants to read a blog about candles? Patti (my friend) suggested that I use my opinionated self to discuss some of the controversy surrounding candles as well as getting used to sharing my creations with others in a positive light. She is a marketing whiz so I am taking her advice. There are several controversial items and I will begin to discuss those later on. Today is just an introduction of myself.

I used to talk about my love of candle making all the time. Everyone in my life would get glassy eyed and start giving me the "umm" and "yeah" and "oh I see" responses; so I pretty much quit talking about it. So perhaps from that point of view - this will be a good thing. Who knows....

I am also a computer geek. I know the two things don't go together, but there you have it. I do and love both. This is primarily a blog about my adventure in candle making, but I am sure the other stuff will sneak in every now and again. So I am thinking that is going to be an all purpose blog about Glodowg life from my point of view and all the tales along the way!